Interrupted: Act 2 Reinventing Your Legacy

Reinvent Act 2 Life after 60 Are you feeling like a “has been?” You missed all the knocks of opportunity and there are none left? You missed the boat, didn’t do the thing and now it is too late? Do you wonder if people will remember you and your legacy? You know you are called to write that book, create that podcast but.. You hate the sound of your voice!! Everybody does at first. Who will listen? Read? Not your problem, if you are called to share your job is to share. I am not tech savvy! We all know someone younger who can help us out. It’s called reverse mentoring. Do you have regrets now? Let’s not take them to the grave. You are brave enough to do that thing, live that dream, it’s not too late!! Good news!! Hi there, I’m Laurie and I felt the same way! It seemed like life was passing me by as I was a single mom raising three kids on my own. Making decisions that where good for the family but not in line with the dreams I held. Doing what was right to support them. I struggled with depression and feeling like my “good life” was over. I was over 50 when my youngest graduated high school and I thought I missed out on everything. Now what? I re invented my dream, told a friend, and started walking in the direction I was terrified of and boy, did I get a lot of nos. I persevered and you can too. I persevered because I listened to people who had overcome challenges, rediscovered their purpose, found fulfillment after 60, started over, created their Act 2, embraced change and new beginnings. Thank you to those who were brave enough to share so we would have hope and believe in a possible future filled with joy. You will even hear some brave souls get coached into their Act 2. Grab your coffee or tea and that beautiful journal you just bought to secretly think about your dreams and get ready to go for a ride. I am talking with lots of people just like you who in their second act of life made big changes reinvented themselves creating a life they love. It is so do able and they are going to share how they did it. I just know you are going to be encouraged and maybe even come up with a plan for your Act 2. If not now, when? If not you, who? If not this, what? What if these brave souls who have shared their heart and their story said NO rather than yes? Do you wish they had a book if they don’t already? Would you read/listen to it? You are just like them. You have a story and it is the answer to someones prayer. You are not alone Leaving a Legacy class is a community and support system along with a formula, training and guidance in launching and publishing. Coach Laurie Insta: @didnotseethatcoming

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Monday Apr 01, 2024

Brenda Reiss is often asked why guiding women through forgiveness coaching is so important. The answer is simple. The person she is today is a direct result of self-forgiveness and finding the strength to reclaim her life.
Brenda's story is a testament to the power we have over our own lives if we just take the time to be curious about what is possible and what is holding us back from being the person we are meant to be.
Self-forgiveness helped her transform out of victimhood and step into the life she was meant to live. This experience has given her the unique ability to guide others who are searching for the same transformation to forgive yourself.  
Brenda Reiss Coaching

Monday Mar 25, 2024

Nancy Manet is celebrating the release of her first album, self-titled Nancy Manet, she’s actually been a performing musician for over 35-years. Yet it’s only now that her vision has finally been realized. The songs she writes were spawned from a life that found trouble and trauma - her continuing constants. Consequently, it’s a credit to both her talent and tenacity that’s she’s not only managed to persevere and accomplish all she has, but also to the fact that she simply survived. 
Nancy and I talk about music, abuse, stalking and so much more. Grab a cup of coffee and settle in for a fun conversation. 
Her album drops May 29, 2024
Nancy Manet
Don't Let Her Ruin You

Monday Mar 18, 2024

PAULA JAUCH is the founder and executive director of the non-profit organization, Walking Into Freedom. She is a trauma survivor, award-winning author, speaker, and host of the PRETTY PODCAST. She has a heart and passion to help those who have been affected by trauma and addiction. Paula has recently been giving the opportunity to go inside prisons and share her story and trauma healing with the inmates and their families. To learn more, you can follow her on Instagram and Facebook @paulajauch and at
Her book is Cross Addicted: Breaking Free from Family Trauma and Addiction
Grab a cup of coffee and settle in for a conversation about abuse, recovery, addiction, and overcoming.

Monday Mar 11, 2024

Mindy Deeble is a Presidential Blue Diamond with Tranont and a top earner in the industry.  She is so down to earth and shares how she went from being a preschool teacher to creating a life of her dreams including bringing her husband home from his all consuming job so they could have time with their kids while they were young and now she gets to spend time with her grandkids.  All because she believed in possibilities, took the steps and never gave up.  She gives us hope for what is possible in our lives.

Monday Mar 04, 2024

Takiya La'Shaune takes us on her journey from escaping domestic violence to building a business and non-profit that helps and supports women walking through the same night mare she is still walking out of.  She talks about healing taking time but that we can give back and build in the midst of our transitions.
Takiya La;Shaune, also known as "the Inspirational Beauty Boss" is a trailblazing woman who stands firm on her foundation of faith in Christ. From hurt to hosting healing retreats and from homeless to housing and helping women Takiya not only uses her platform in entrepreneurship to further her God-given  vision but also shares her story of overcoming  tragic and traumatic obstacles time and again. She is an Author, Entrepreneur, Speaker and Podcast Host of Behind This Smile.  You can connect and find  out more about her at 
Behind This Smile Podcast

Monday Feb 26, 2024

Katrina Jensen is an Emerald with Tranont she also has a BUNCH of belts. 4th degree black belt in the world taekwondo federation, 3rd degree black belt in the American taekwondo a blue belt in jujitsu. She is a mom, wife and business woman and is passionate about helping women excel.     Works with developing youth programs and women's self defense. Basically a ROCK STAR!!!

Monday Feb 19, 2024

Raised singing on TV Debbie has walked through some trials and struggles.  She learned to lean on God in all things.  She has a YouTube channel and a product line and webpage She is a Bible Study leader and loves sharing her love for God and anti aging!!! 
Debbie's YouTube
Younger Lift

Monday Feb 12, 2024

She has turned her passion into profit and wants to help you do that too. Chrissa Valanti has walked through fame, loss, illness and through it all she recognized the healing power of self love. 
Passion to Profit

Monday Feb 05, 2024

A single dad shares his story of tears and triumph!! Gino had to walk away from his singing career to raise his kids. He was willing to do what it takes but it was hard. He had a revelation that if he tapped into gratitude and made the best of a tough situation things would get better and boy did they. Grab a cup of coffee and join me for a story of defeat and victory and the roller coaster ride getting there.
Gino YouTube

Monday Jan 29, 2024

Author Lynne Hancock Pearson writes fun, flirty, feel-good fiction that simmers at a low heat. Lynn is a freelance fiction editor too. She found her calling in 2015 when she realized she wanted to help writers improve their stories. She earned a Certificate in Editing from the University of Washington is a lifelong learner. 
Under the name Lynne Hancock Pearson, she has three published novels to her name and is currently working on her fourth. She contributed to and was the editor of a non-fiction essay collection, Filling the Void; Voices from the None Zone, published by Market Square Books in 2019.  
She has woken many a morning with a book hangover. 
Lynne Hancock Pearson

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