Interrupted: Act 2 Reinventing Your Legacy

Reinvent Act 2 Life after 60 Are you feeling like a “has been?” You missed all the knocks of opportunity and there are none left? You missed the boat, didn’t do the thing and now it is too late? Do you wonder if people will remember you and your legacy? You know you are called to write that book, create that podcast but.. You hate the sound of your voice!! Everybody does at first. Who will listen? Read? Not your problem, if you are called to share your job is to share. I am not tech savvy! We all know someone younger who can help us out. It’s called reverse mentoring. Do you have regrets now? Let’s not take them to the grave. You are brave enough to do that thing, live that dream, it’s not too late!! Good news!! Hi there, I’m Laurie and I felt the same way! It seemed like life was passing me by as I was a single mom raising three kids on my own. Making decisions that where good for the family but not in line with the dreams I held. Doing what was right to support them. I struggled with depression and feeling like my “good life” was over. I was over 50 when my youngest graduated high school and I thought I missed out on everything. Now what? I re invented my dream, told a friend, and started walking in the direction I was terrified of and boy, did I get a lot of nos. I persevered and you can too. I persevered because I listened to people who had overcome challenges, rediscovered their purpose, found fulfillment after 60, started over, created their Act 2, embraced change and new beginnings. Thank you to those who were brave enough to share so we would have hope and believe in a possible future filled with joy. You will even hear some brave souls get coached into their Act 2. Grab your coffee or tea and that beautiful journal you just bought to secretly think about your dreams and get ready to go for a ride. I am talking with lots of people just like you who in their second act of life made big changes reinvented themselves creating a life they love. It is so do able and they are going to share how they did it. I just know you are going to be encouraged and maybe even come up with a plan for your Act 2. If not now, when? If not you, who? If not this, what? What if these brave souls who have shared their heart and their story said NO rather than yes? Do you wish they had a book if they don’t already? Would you read/listen to it? You are just like them. You have a story and it is the answer to someones prayer. You are not alone Leaving a Legacy class is a community and support system along with a formula, training and guidance in launching and publishing. Coach Laurie Insta: @didnotseethatcoming

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Thursday Sep 07, 2023

Paige Ward, re-inventing herself at 60, saying yes to opportunities. She shares her struggles as a single mom and encourages us to get a passport. She had a dream to travel and it was on hold until recently. She talks about self care and learning to honor our true desires. Her past impacted her life but she is not a victim, but a victorious survivor. At 60 she is a drummer in a rock band “The Grannie Panties.”
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Monday Sep 04, 2023

Sherilynn Hemphill Takes to Tik Tok to share her ostomy journey.  She is unashamed and hopeful that her story will help others accept, love and cherish who they are. Her philosophy is “let them” she is all about embracing her life and situation and being a light to others who are struggling.
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Thursday Aug 31, 2023

Ginine Mizerski is an Inspirational Speaker/Singer, Songwriter, #1 Intl Best Selling Author and co-founder of Hearts in Sync. Ginine loved her life. She was singing and speaking and was a leader in Celebrate Recovery. But there was something missing, she knew she was made for more.  She made a big decision to sell her house, move across country and commit to her music in a big way. It was scary and risky but she knew it was what her heart was calling her to do.  She hasn’t looked back. She is launching the biggest project of her life and she met the love of her life during the process. Ginine’s mom told her when the want becomes bigger than the comfort, that is when change happens.
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Monday Aug 28, 2023

19 Brian Bachand with talks about re-inventing his life after walking away from the priesthood.  Brian works with organizations to help them re align with their mission in order to raise funds to support that mission.  He talks about the transformational journey of re creating his life and he asked for help and support to get him through. He loves his life and his job and he especially loves being in the now.  Present to what is going on in the world right here right now.  He reminds us when we are struggling or unsure about what is next to look up and ask for the answers.
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Thursday Aug 24, 2023

Janet Kronbach talks about appreciative inquiry. After leaving the home and country of their dreams Janet and her husband had another opportunity to live in another country they never would have imagined. They now have a bed and breakfast in France for weary travelers to get rest and restoration.    They also learned a practice called anamnesis the act of remembering.
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Monday Aug 21, 2023

Coach Laurie talks about the value of sharing your story.  It may be the answer to someones prayer.  Is it time? There are many ways to do it.  Podcasting/Youtube/Writing a book, what is your vehicle? How will you share your story? You are here so you are feeling nudged how to get started?  Book a discovery call
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Thursday Aug 17, 2023

Dorothy-Inez Breazell (Holistic Confidence Coach) invites us to show up and shine with transcendent confidence through sacred beauty, and well being.  After re-inventing herself almost every decade she has a passion to help women help themselves and each other.  Changing your self-talk and finding the confidence to show up and change the world. Be open to possibilities, do your work, love yourself and say yes.
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Monday Aug 14, 2023

Rob Riley is a financial advisor with a company called Tranont.  He loves his job and he loves helping people get their dreams.  He talks about standing on the cliff being afraid to jump.  Will the parachute come out? What happens if you don’t jump? Rob and his wife are taking the leap to see where life will take them even though they don’t really have the how yet.  But they know they are being called and have accepted the challenge.  From selling their home and then stalling to move to another state, to going through all their things, keep? Store? Give away? Hard choices and even some tears and doubts while getting to the dream.
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Thursday Aug 10, 2023

Teresa Wornstaff was a single mom working in corporate America and was overwhelmed with sadness.  Missing out on life all while climbing the ladder to get to the top, the place everyone says you want to be. It wasn’t until she stopped and took a look at what she really wanted and how she wanted to show up in the world that she was able to claim her long time gifts including her intuition putting them to use in a way she never imagined possible.
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Monday Aug 07, 2023

 Trish Tatarek is a Body Language Strategist. After 30 years in real estate, she set out to see who she really was and what she really loved and go figure, it wasn’t real estate.  She is now helping other women find their joy and peace in a life they love and can take ownership of. She says her life was living her but now she has turned that around and she is living her best life, re-invented in her 60’s.
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